Selamat Datang ke Laman Sesawang Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Melaka


1. Consulting services & technical advice will be provided within 5 working days from the date of receipt of a complete application.
2. Laboratory analysis expertise within a working day from the date of receipt of a complete application as follows:
     i. Soil analysis
    - brief in 7 days.
    - partially within 35 days.
    - complete within 60 days.
     ii. Steel analysis
    - brief in 7 days.
    - complete within 35 days.
     iii. Leaf analysis within 30 days.
3. Regulatory Services
     A) Plant Quarantine Act 1976: Results for the application of certificates / permits / licenses that meet the requirements / requirements within a working day from the date of receipt of a complete application as follows:
       i) Import permits for plants, crop materials, crop media, packaging materials, soil, organic fertilizers and beneficial organisms within 5 days.
       ii) Phytosanitary Certificate and CITES Certificate (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) within 2 days.
     B) Pesticides Act 1974: Decision for the application of certificates / permits / licenses that meet the requirements / requirements within a working day from the date of receipt of a complete application as follows:
       i) Permits to import pesticides that are not registered for educational / research purposes within 10 days.
       ii) Licensing of pesticide wearers and assistants within 10 days.
       iii) Premises licensing to sell / store for sale within 15 days.
4. Inspectorate Services (Certification and Verification)
     A) Results for qualifying certification applications within a working day from the date of receipt of a complete application are as follows:
       i) MyGAP (Malaysian Good Agriculture Practices) certification within 2 years.
       ii) MyOrganic (Malaysian Organic) certification within 3 years.
     B) Certification that meets the requirements / requirements within a working day from the date of receipt of a complete application as follows:
       i) MPCA (Malaysian Phytosanitary Certification Assurance Scheme), MAFAS (Malaysian Fumigation Accreditation Scheme) and MAHTAS (Malaysian Heat Treatment Accreditation Scheme) certification within 30 days.
     C) Quality assurance certificate for rice seed consignment and crop material that meets the requirements and standards within 14 working days from the date of receipt of complete application.
5. Customer complaints will be answered within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
** Time period refers to the number of working days